Transformed a small family retail trading unit into a big and diversified business and investment institution.
I feel that I have successfully transformed a small family retail trading unit into a big and diversified business and investment institution. The top secret for my success in the business is commitment of myself & employees of our business organizations. Strong work discipline can be seen as the DNA of our growth.
BKG’s Alpha and Omega is transforming our full potential energy not for personal gains but for the development of endeavours of our country and its people.I always remember that 30 years ago, I began retail family business with a starting capital of ETB 4600 obtained from my mother as a loan. After three years of domestic trade experience our small scale trading unit was transformed into a reputable and diversified global export business organization called Belayneh Kindie Group. We became Ethiopia’s leading sesame seed exporter. We exported more than 380 million quintals of sesame in the last ten years alone. Our global business engagement enabled us to contribute our part in generating hard currency which is vital for the national economic development endeavours of our country. Our import & export trade has also paved the way for the establishment Belayneh Kindie Business Group (BKG). The group is acollection of Phibela Industrial Complex, Belayneh Kindie Corporate (BKC) and Belayneh Kindie Foundation (BKF).